Author: Jess

Screen Caps …

I have added the rest of the screen caps from the DVD extras of ‘The Village’.

Behind the Scenes…

I have added some rare photographs of Bryce behind the scenes, filming ‘The Village’. Great photographs.. tomorrow I will add the video ‘Bryce’s Diary’ which is 9minutes long, and all about her time filing ‘The Village’.

More Screen Caps!

I have added screen captures from the DVD of ‘The Village’, over the next few days I will be adding more caps from Behind The Scenes footage.. stay tuned!

Bryce talks about Joaquin Phoenix

Bryce Filming The Village

Bryce on Ellen!

Another HUGE Thank you to David who kindly sent us the recording from The Ellen DeGeneres Show. Great Interview… you can also see a few small clips on this site of Bryce talking about Spiderman 3.

Screen Caps ….

I have added screen captures from the DVD of ‘Manderlay’ (one of Bryce’s earlier movies) – She actually does a nude scene too! But the movie really is a master piece and a truly amazing performance by Bryce.

Short Clip of Bryce!

Jay Leno

A huge, huge thank you to David for recording Bryce on Jay Leno last night! ..and we have the clip here for you already! Bryce seems so sweet, although the interview is short, she as always is a pleasure to watch and I am still shocked that she gave birth only 10 weeks ago!.. I also added a few screen captures to the gallery

Bryce on TRL

Bryce and the rest of the Spider-Man 3 Cast were on TRL yesterday… I have just added a bunch of photographs to the gallery, plus you can watch the video below!