It’s going to be a little “Eclipse” reunion on the set of the film tactfully titled “Seth Rogen Untitled Cancer Dramedy.” According to Variety, Bryce Dallas Howard is joining Anna Kendrick and the rest of the A-list cast on the film once titled “I’m With Cancer.”
Adding to the class reunion is Summit Entertainment, who will be distributing the film, as well as Vancouver, the set location for both this film and “The Twilight Saga”. Fortunately, the two sexy male stars of this film aren’t Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner, but rather Seth Rogen and James McAvoy.
Though the replacement title seems to label Seth Rogen as the leading man, the film’s synopsis says it’s James who is really the star of the show. The film is said to be about a 25-year-old (James) who finds out he has cancer, and that the character is based on screenwriter Will Reiser’s real-life experience after he was diagnosed with the disease in his mid-20s. It seems to bode well for James’ character that Will lived to tell the tale.
Since so little is known about the plot of the film, it’s hard to say what role any of the cast will play in the final print. It’s definitely going to be exciting to see Anna’s and Seth’s very different brands of comedy face off against James and Bryce, who we haven’t really seen show off their comedic chops (unless you consider “Wanted” or “Lady in the Water” comedies).
The film still seems a bit far away from a production start date, so hopefully we will see a few more A-listers added to the billing sheet but, if not, these four names are exciting enough to get us to keep this movie in mind as the weeks go on.